Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Never Seeing The Same River Twice

As ordinary people, we always think we are correct. We think that we know everything. If someone says something that follows your belief system, then you agree with them. But if someone says something that is the opposite of your beliefs then you disagree.

Behind that mind is our ego. Because of one’s ego we really don’t see what is correct or incorrect. We see what we would like to see. Therefore, one’s ego will prevent from us maintaining an open mind.

But this habit closes the inquisitive and probing mind.

How do we cultivate an open mind? By observing without judgment. Meditation practice not only makes it possible but allows something that seems too difficult suddenly easy.

Buddhist Meditation and teachings is simply creating an environment for wisdom.

There is famous saying: “No one can see the same river twice.”

Once there was a monk named Milarepa who was highly respected in Tibetan tradition. There is an interesting story from his childhood. One day after school he decided to go sit by the river. He watched the water flow over the rocks noting how it is changing moment to moment.

When he was late getting home his mother asked him, “Where did you go?”

He said, “I went to the river.”
“What did you do?” she asked.
“I just looked at the water.”
“How could you just sit there and look at the water without doing anything?”
He said, " I was doing something. I was becoming aware."

With meditation practice we are training our mind to not be engaged with anything. Those who maintain this balance know that meditation is not boring but peaceful. The present moment is always new, just as the river is always new.

It is very difficult for some people to understand because their mind isn’t open to notice it. But if you take the time to notice the river flow, that is the beginning of open mind.

Practice to be open. Let awareness grow within your experience. It allows you to destroy the ego and see the reality.

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